RSS Reader for ASP
A Dreamweaver™ ExtensionDW 8, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 or later versions
Requires ASP on your hosting

Allows to enrich the content of your website with the information provided by other websites using the RSS format.
ASP RSS Reader is a RSS Reader for Web servers that support ASP. ASP RSS Reader was developed 100% in classic ASP and doesn't require external components.
- Original presentation.
- No programming skills required.
- No database required.
- Based in modern Ajax & Javascript technologies.
- Compatible with most browsers, both PC and Mac.
Publishing through RSS is widely used by news portals, discussion forums, blogs or any website that wants to achieve a larger internet readership. TSRSSReader for ASP gives you the opportunity to install a RSS reader on your website - without any technical knowledge of this format. TSRSSReader for ASP is an extension developed for Adobe Dreamweaver MX (or later versions) and is supported by most of browsers.
Dreamweaver MX or later version (including MX 2004, DW 8, DW CS3, CS4 ...).
TSRSSReader requires ASP script on the server where the website is published.
If you want to test the RSS Reader locally, then you must have a local web server that support ASP scripts.
Fast Tutorial
Video tutorial: RSS Reader for ASP

Read more in the RSS Reader for ASP - Frequently Asked Questions.
Restart Dreamweaver.
Go to the menu option Insert > Dynamic Trio Solutions > Insert RSS Reader for ASP
...or via Insertbar > Dynamic Trio Solutions > Insert RSS Reader for ASP.
To use TSRSSReader for ASP in a webpage being built with Dreamweaver MX or later you will need:
- to define the website your are working on; to save the webpage where TSRSSReader for ASP will be inserted; to execute the option Insert RSS Reader for ASP. (The option "Insert RSS Reader for ASP" can be accessed in two ways, described under Installation).
TSRSSReader for ASP opens an setup window where the following data are required:- RSS URL: enter the URL to the XML file where RSS format is specified (the URL to the RSS file must be an absolute URL: http://servernamer/rss-file-name.xml)
- Width and Height: define the parameters of the box where the RSS content will be shown (if RSS has 10 news items, they will be shown on a rotation basis).
- Delay: enter the time during which every RSS news item will be shown in the box
- Target: select where the full text of the news referred by RSS, will be loaded, when user clicks on the title of the news item shown in the box
- To show: select what data you would like to show, amongst RSS items (Title; Title and Date; Title, Date, and Description)
When a new TSRSSReader for ASP is inserted in your webpage, a group of directories and files will be created automatically within your website structure. These directories and files will have to be published along with your website in the same position relative to the webpage that contains the TSRSSReader for ASP.
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