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Dynamic Image Preview

Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I change the background colour of the image name preview?

Yes, you can change the colour in the CSS file. See the picture for details.

Will the dynamic image preview allow the use of dynamic images (images pulled from a database) and will the window resize to fit the image automatically?

The image's size is sent as paremeter to the preview Javascript, so you will need to read the image size before generating the Javascript code. If you are using PHP and the images are in JPG or PNG format it should be easy.

Is the extension MAC compatible ?

Yes, our extensions are tested, approved and published in the Adobe Exchange site by the Adobe Exchange Team. This assures compatibility with most Dreamweaver versions, browsers and platforms.

When I try to insert the extension into an editable region of my form, I get the following error: "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. The change will be discarded." How can I fix this?

The extension requires inserting some scripts on the head section of the page. Just be sure that your page contains an editable region into the HEAD section and the scripts will be generated there.

I have installed the extension and it works when I test it locally, but when I upload the files to my online website it does not work. What should I do ?

Please, be sure to upload the "TSScript" folder. This folder is generated automatically when inserting the extension and contains the required scripts for the component. If you don't see the "TSScript" folder in your Dreamweaver file list, then click the refresh button (see image for details).

Are any programming skills needed to use this extension?

No, no programming skills are required. This gadget is available as a Dreamweaver Extension; you can insert it from the Dreamweaver menu just with a few clicks.

What browsers does it support?

We have tested this gadget on the following browsers:

- Safari
- Firefox
- Opera
- Internet Explorer for Windows
- Netscape
- Mozilla

The extension is MAC compatible. Our extensions are tested, approved and published by the Adobe Exchange Team at

Can I place the ImagePreview panel in a custom location (not below the image) ?

Yes, you can place it in a custom location. Follow the steps shown in this animated sample:

Click here to open the video

Tip: In this FAQ there is another trick to change the location of all the preview panels at once.

How can I remove this the "question mark" cursor when the cursor points to the thumbnail?

Into your page, in the anchor generated for the thumbnail (<a .... style="cursor:help" ...>), remove the style="cursor:help" attribute or change it by other cursor.

Can I put the preview panel in a specific location into my web page?

You can enter the x,y coordinates of the place where you want to show the preview panel.

Note: These coordinates affect all the ImagePreview instances located in the web page.

To introduce the coordinates you should open the JavaScript file "TSScript/TSPreviewImage/TSPreviewImage.js" in any text editor (Example: Dreamweaver, Windows Notepad, etc...) and to specify the x,y coordinates in this line:

YAHOO.TSPreviewImage.panel.showXY = [];

...for example, the following line will show the preview panel in the position x=300, y=400 in your web page:

YAHOO.TSPreviewImage.panel.showXY = [300,400];

Tip: In this FAQ there is another trick to change the location of only one image.