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Help Hints for Web

Frequently Asked Questions
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How can I set a background image inside the Help Hint box ?

The easiest way is through adding the following line inside the style generated by the hint on the page:
background-image: url(path/logo.gif); background-position: top right; background-repeat: no-repeat;
Note: Change "path/logo.gif" for the path and name to your logo image.

Another way is through inserting the html code for the background logo in the hint text:
<div style="background-image: url(path/logo.gif); background-position: right top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
<strong>Hint title</strong><br />
This is the sample hint  text.

Or you can define your own style class, like this one:
.bcklogo { background-image: url(path/logo.gif); background-position: top right; background-repeat: no-repeat;"> }
... and then the code to insert for the hint will be:
<div class="bcklogo">
<strong>Hint title</strong><br />
This is the sample hint  text.
Any other question or help you need, please contact our support service.

I get a message when inserting: "Please define your site first". What I should do ?

You must define the site in which you are working on Dreamweaver and save the page before inserting TSHelpHint. This is because the TSHelpHint extension needs to know the location of your page to copy the required files in the appropriate path.

Can I use the Help Hints with chinese or other non-latin characters ?

Yes, you can.

Just purchased helpHints, installed it, see it in toolbar, what do I do from there?

Click the icon, type the hint content, select your help hint colors, and click "OK". See the image for details.

Is the extension MAC compatible ?

Yes, our extensions are tested, approved and published in the Adobe Exchange site by the Adobe Exchange Team. This assures compatibility with most Dreamweaver versions, browsers and platforms.

When I try to insert the extension into an editable region of my form, I get the following error: "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. The change will be discarded." How can I fix this?

The extension requires inserting some scripts on the head section of the page.

Then you need to insert the extension in the template page (just to generate the scripts) or manually paste the scripts from a normal page into the template.

I have installed the extension and it works when I test it locally, but when I upload the files to my online web site it does not work. What should I do ?

Please, be sure to upload the "TSScript" folder. This folder is generated automatically when inserting the extension and contains the required scripts for the component. If you don't see the "TSScript" folder in your Dreamweaver file list, then click the refresh button (see image for details).

Are any programming skills needed for using this extension?

No, no programming skills are required. This program is available as Dreamweaver Extension; you can insert it from the Dreamweaver menu just with a single click.

What browsers does it support?

We have tested this gadget on the following browsers:

- Safari
- Firefox
- Opera
- Internet Explorer for Windows
- Netscape
- Mozilla

The extension is MAC compatible. Our extensions are tested, approved and published by the Adobe Exchange Team at