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Dreamweaver CC Extensions

All our extensions have been already updated to make them compatible with Dreamweaver CC.

Our new Dreamweaver CC extensions are also compatible with older Dreamweaver versions. We are keeping compatibility with the following Dreamweaver versions:

  • Dreamweaver MX
  • Dreamweaver MX 2004
  • Dreamweaver 8
  • Dreamweaver CS3
  • Dreamweaver CS4
  • Dreamweaver CS5
  • Dreamweaver CS5.5
  • Dreamweaver CS6
  • Dreamweaver CC

Most of the extensions have been also published to the new Adobe Exchange.

Note that the new extensions are delivered in two formats: .MXP for older Dreamweaver versions and .ZXP for Dreamweaver CC. Be sure to use the correct version of the adobe Extension Manager to install them.

Our complete set of extensions can be accessed from